Monday, February 9, 2009

Burger Posting Number 1!!! Aroma Burger

Woot. First burger review!!! This stall is called Aroma Burger. Dang, what a name. It reminds me of the burger aroma. It's located in Subang Jaya USJ 14 directly in front of 7 Eleven. ( I'll include a map of the location for u to get there) Here's some pictures to start off with.

The stall
Ayam Double Special (or more affectionately named as DOUBLE TROUBLE by the Boss)

The Benjo

Another picture of a Double Trouble by my homie, Reagan. ( Better photography skills, dont u think?)

"How does it taste?", I hear you ask impatiently. Muahahaha. It is good!!! One of the better tasting burgers I've had in my burger eating life. I must say that there are many thoughtful touches to the burgers from this stall. For one, look at the bun and you'll notice a sesame seed bun. It might not sound like much, but it's definately a plus."Why" you say? Cause sesame makes the bun taste better. Don't believe me? Go and have a try yourself. Also, without sesame seeds on top of the bun, the burger looks kinda dull if you look at it from the top. It'll just look like a light brown "blob of something". So it's fair to say that it enhances both taste and looks of theaburger.
I like my burgers with more sauce you see, so what I would always do is to ask the "Abang" or "Boss" ( sometimes the hawker is a Lady) to add sauce. But in this case, i din't have to. Cause he asked me what sauces I want on me burger and how much of it. He offers mayo, chilli, black pepper sauce and mustard. I had mine without mayo and mustard. Again I gotta say, a thoughtful touch to the burger by the Boss. Black pepper sauce definately brings out the taste fromatheaburgerapatty.
On to a funnier note, this burger stall offers "drive-thru" services according to the owner. Definately a first for me. I have never heard of a drive- thru road side burger stall. If you have, please leave a comment. Also, he will take your orders through phone for 3 pieces and above. Altogether, it's a good tasting burger plus lots of tiny touches that make it a better then average burger. Though 2 things which I am not satistfied with.

#1 He uses styrofoam boxes to pack the burgers if you are ordering a take away burger. It makes it alot harder to eat. ( wax paper wrapping is used for "dine-in" burgers)

#2 HE DOES NOT FREAKING WEAR GLOVES!!! ( I hope he washed his hands)

All in all I give it a 3 1/2
Burger Boy recommends Double Trouble, Ayam & Daging Combo ( one slice of chicken and beef patty)

Location and contact number.
Call 019-3717 868 for 3 pieces and above

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